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A worldwide PBF naturally lives from multiple locations all over the world. Is there no location nearby? Then become an organizer by yourself, step by step:

  1. Book a room for at least 7-10 Joomlers. The room must meet the following criteria:
    • free access for all participants
    • free WiFi
    • free electricity
    • sufficient tables and chairs
    • projector & screen
    • extension cables and multiple sockets (are mearly always needed)
    • cutlery, plates, napkins (optional, but people are happy)
  2. Contact us in Mattermost and tell us the location of your room, so we can put you on the map.
  3. Recruit additional participants for the event (there is neither a minimum nor a maximum).
  4. Make sure that every participant has a GitHub and Joomla! Docs Account (No idea how to? Contact us and we'll do a little training with you).
  5. At the day of the event, offer enough soft drinks for each participant (water and juices).
  6. Be there on the day of the event (start 9:00 am your timezone) in time so that you can test and prepare everything.
  7. Organize a pizza for each active participant on the day of the event at lunchtime.
  8. Keep the receipts for the pizzas and non-alcoholic drinks so that your expenses can be reimbursed.
  9. Have fun!

That's actually it. Are you in?

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Wicked Software

Wicked Software builds extensions and websites for and with Joomla!

Since 2014, Tassos has been dedicated to developing high-quality premium Joomla extensions catering to diverse businesses.

Simplify Your Web develops extensions and delivers professional content managed solutions with Joomla.